Viasta is a unique viaduct fiesta that celebrates community, creativity, and going green! Transforming our underutilized viaduct into a vibrant Green Festival organized by and for our amazing Changi-Simei community! Featuring amazing musical talents from residents, sustainable food from the community's home-based businesses, fun educational games designed by students, and community pickleball matches; the festival is committed to building a green future together.
Community Workshop
Students from SUTD Social Architecture conducted a semester-long engagement with residents of Changi Simei. Notably, the students held a community debate workshop to clearly determine what the residents want and need and to ideate potential initiatives for the Viasta together.
Student sharing of insights garnered from weekly engagement with residents and feedback from workshop participants.
Brainstorming of activities and initiatives that residents would want to organize at Viasta. The proposal reflected the 3 categories that the community wants: pop-up market spaces, sport facilities, and vibrant resting places
Mass sharing of discussion findings across different groups to gain complete understanding of the different interests of residents. This narrowed down to the central concept of community co-creation, fostering a sense of belonging and shared responsibility.
Key Results
Three themes emerged from research findings – vibrant, green and care.

The joy and excitement of participating in sports and recreational activities outdoors with fellow residents.

Developing a collective wisdom of gardening tip and sustainable practices by community experts and sharing of fresh harvests from community garden.

Caring for one's health and wellbeing through mindful practices and intentional consumption that promotes sustainability.
Viasta is conceived as a vibrant space that embodies the ethos of Pelatok art farm and similar pocket parks in Simei, emphasising the integration of art, farming, and sustainable living
Urban Cluster 2.605
Singapore University of Technology and Design
8 Somapah Road
Singapore 487372