The Pelatok Art Farm is a community prototype arising from the research collaboration between SUTD, Changi General Hospital (CGH) and SAA Architects in response to the need to improve mental wellbeing from the environmental design perspective.
This participatory action research project enrolled a group of residents living in Changi Simei who underwent a 12-week green social prescribing program to ideate, design and build the "Art Farm" collectively in a neighbourhood pocket park surrounded by both private estate and public housing.
Learning from our knowledge partner Ground-Up Initiative (GUI), Pelatok Art Farm is also uniquely inclusive as no one owns any individual plots, everyone farms together, and the produce is shared with the community during the monthly harvest event.
The green social prescribing program we have developed builds on the collaborative process of nature place-making and place-keeping, consisting of a series of activities such as wood-crafting, soil preparation, maintenance of the farm, and harvesting. These activities encourage the participants to actively engage with nature whilst working with their fellow teammates. Most materials used are also recycled, which further deepens participants' appreciation of the environment.
Our research shows that participants who underwent this program generally reported greater sense of community, more connected to nature, and having more positive affection. Most members also reported higher restorative outcome, feeling calmer and having better clarity of thought. The intersection of such green and social activities has enabled mindful consideration of the natural environment, while promoting a holistically healthier lifestyle and improved mental well-being.
Community Insighting Workshop
FEB - MAR 2022
We started the research with a town-wide workshop and survey that helped us to understand the needs of residents, identify community assets and to recruit passionate residents to join our action team
Action Team Co-Design Sessions
FEB - MAR 2022
We started the research with a town-wide workshop and survey that helped us to understand the needs of residents, identify community assets and to recruit passionate residents to join our action team
Community Build
FEB - MAR 2022
This resident action team came together weekly to learn simple woodworking skills and planting knowledge which enabled them to build the community farm progressively.